Why do some nurseries and schools show no data or information?

First thing we do is collect open data, if there is no open data it is hard to show information unless a school or nursery takes ownership of their listing.

MyEd displays all Ofsted registered nurseries and schools in England. We collect the basic information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers from the DfE and supplement this with as much data that is available from government sources.

When you search MyEd you may come accross many institutions that have very limited information and data and that is substituted with disclaimers stating there is no information available. This could be for a number for reasons as outlined below.

For nurseries:

  • Ofsted: The nursery may be newly registered and has not been inspected yet and therefore there is no Ofsted information to display
  • Staff and child information: The government does publish this information about nurseires and therefore we rely on nurseries to update their listing with this information.
  • Other information: The about of information publically available on nurseries is limitied and a big reason as to why MyEd exists and is trying to change this. We are in the process of campaigns to on board nurseries nationwide

For Schools:

  • Ofsted: The nursery may be newly registered and has not been inspected yet and therefore there is no Ofsted information to display
  • Staff and child information: The government does publish this information about nurseires and therefore we rely on nurseries to update their listing with this information.
  • Other information: The about of information publically available on nurseries is limitied and a big reason as to why MyEd exists and is trying to change this. We are in the process of campaigns to on board nurseries nationwide