Is an OFSTED rating enough to go by when choosing a nursery or school?

Ofsted reports are an important and reliable source of information, but inspections only take place every 3-5 years and sometimes even longer.

The long intervals between inspections at a single institutions means that often nurseries and schools’ published Ofsted ratings are out of date due to the time that has passed since the inspection.

Ofsted ratings give a picture of a nursery's or school’s performance at a moment in time, so they’re not the whole story.

We think you should be able to access reviews from parents/carers of children as well as information from the nursery's and schools themselves, highlighting the additional value they offer in different areas.

The purpose of MyEd is to provide users with  easy to understand digestible information to help make those important decisions for their child. Alongside academic performance data and Ofsted reports, MyEd offers you access to information about open days, wrap-around care, staff profiles, food hygiene standards and much more, plus on-the-ground information from parents/carers.